Do you need a lie detector test in Cardiff?
Monday 27th February 2023
Lie detector test in Cardiff Cardiff is the capital city of Wales, it is the eleventh largest city in the United Kingdom. Cardiff is known for being one of the main sources for television and film production, its triumphs including Dr Who, Torchwood and Sherlock. As such, Cardiff has a large population of student life which inevitably means a bustling and exciting night-life. Unfortunately with such high levels of socialisation, it is rife with antisocial behaviour and drug use. This situation does not appear to have improved in the last 15-20 years. What is antisocial behaviour? Antisocial behaviour affects all people in many different ways and there are many forms of it. The people who are on the receiving end of it are…
Who is Shamima Begum?
Wednesday 22nd February 2023
Who hasn't heard of Shamima Begum? But who is she and what exactly has she done? Is she really a danger to our society and how could we prove her real intentions? Who is Shamima Begum? Shamima was 15 when she she left Bethnal Green in London to become a part of the Islamic State. She decided to do this based on the information from a single interview in the press, or so she says. There are many holes in her story which have been revealed throughout her protests, that she is ready to return to the UK and not a danger to our country or our pubic. We at Lie Detector Services Ltd are torn by her protests and feel a…
Why take a lie detector test in Coventry?
Thursday 16th February 2023
Coventry is a city that sits in the West Midlands. It is the home of the 2-tone music industry and Britain's motor industry. The 2021 census showed there were 354,328 residents giving it the status of being one of the top ten largest cities in the UK. Why would you need a lie detector test in Coventry? When most people have been stolen from they will have more than one suspect and this puts pressure on all relationships around them. A lie detector test in Coventry could solve this problem by revealing the people who are deserving of your trust and ousting those that are not. If one of your party refuse this type of blanket testing then there is usually a…
Why choose a lie detector test in Leeds.
Tuesday 7th February 2023
Leeds is one of the most famous cities in the UK, home to the first steam locomotive and has the oldest running commercial railway in the world. Believe it or not, Leeds is actually also responsible for providing the UK with the internet. Freeserve was founded in 1998 and was the first provider of the internet in the country. Since this ground-breaking and innovation, the company has changed hands on a number of occasions and is now owned by the well known EE network. The Statistics The internet has always been a base for people to communicate. This can be a harmless exchange with friends, but what happens if the search history points to something dishonest, or worse still, criminal? Statistics…
Climate Change True or False?
Thursday 2nd February 2023
Don't you just hate it when people lie to you? Most people do - more so when it is conspiratorial. Do you remember not so long ago we were told that we were facing global warming and when it became quite obvious that this was far from the case they changed the name to "Climate Change." Well, they can give it any name they want because it is not proved by any reasonable science and many claim, it's nothing but governments trying to take control of the private sector and redistributing vast amounts of money to their elite friends using fear and confusion to generate the laws which allow them to do this. What's the story For 20 years or…
The truth always gets out!
Monday 30th January 2023
The Greek word for "truth" is aletheia, which literally means to "un-hide" or "hiding nothing." It conveys the thought that truth is always there, always open and available for all to see, with nothing being hidden or obscured. As an organization tasked with finding the truth, all aspects of the truth interest us but little is more interesting than some of the quotes about truth by some of the world's most famous people. Here we list a few, just a fraction in fact, of some of the greatest quotes about the truth. If you find these interesting, you can find another 2500 at least, on the net. No one with a basic education can fail to be impressed by the observations packed…
How can a polygraph test help you?
Thursday 26th January 2023
*Lie detection by polygraph - How it can help YOU and under what circumstances.* There can't be many people who are unaware of lie detection machines and services but many, if not most are not really sure about the circumstances in which they are used. To shed light on this subject we'll list some of the crimes below in which a polygraph may go a long way in helping to show involvement or innocence. However, be aware that if involvement or guilt in a crime is present then that will be shown equally enthusiastically. However, lie detection services are currently more commonly used in domestic matters where one partner is accused of infidelity and wants to prove to the other…
What type of liar are you?
Tuesday 24th January 2023
You won't believe this but do you know that each and every one of us lie all the time. . . . . and that includes you. According to Professor T. R. Levine, who for the past 25 years has researched lying and deception, he claims that on average, people tell one or two lies or more, every day. Clearly the man has never met a number of ex-wives and husbands who would be in the Guinness book of records for lying if such a category existed. Robert Feldman, also researching into lies and lying found that strangers meeting face to face are liable to tell three porkie pies within just 10 minutes. This being the case it looks as…
Do you need an Infidelity Lie Detector Test in Manchester?
Friday 20th January 2023
Manchester is a well-known city in Lancashire, North West England, that is youthful, energetic, and diverse. It is brimming with culture and history and is now featured in Lonely Planet's 2023 "Best in Travel" as one of the most sought after places to visit in the UK. More impressively, Manchester was named in National Geographic's annual "Best of the World" list as the only UK city with must-see areas to visit all over the world. The city emits a sense of fun for the youth with an amazing number of venues for live music, as well as nightclubs, bars, and restaurants, not forgetting the "Gay Village." A hive of entertainment and activity, this little village set in Canal Street is one…
Should the police face mandatory lie detector tests?
Thursday 19th January 2023
As a nation we have sat and watched the news over the last 2 years and seen many police personnel arrested, dismissed and incarcerated for various crimes, however this has only been more publicised after the murder of Sarah Everard. This senseless killing of a beautiful, bright and intelligent woman proved that there is a need for more rigorous screening on the people we trust to protect our loved ones and keep people such as Wayne Couzens and David Carrick out of positions of authority. As a woman and the Customer Support Manager here at Lie Detector Services LTD, I feel it is sad to say that the days a policeman approaches you in the street when you are walking…
So, you want to know how to lie?
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Being acknowledged experts in the field of lying we're going to teach you how to lie. Now lying can and often is, complicated and difficult, especially if you don't do it often. If you are a novice liar you must learn a few basics such as what constitutes a good lie. For example, pick a simple lie which is believable. Preparation is key. If you plan the lie ahead of time, it will help if you spend a little time memorizing the details. In fact, write it down and practice it until it sounds convincing. Never forget, liars need a good memory. Without doubt, the most important aspect of good lying is the delivery you will need to ensure the lie…
Why take a Lie Detector Test in Birmingham?
Saturday 14th January 2023
Birmingham is a multi-cultural and vibrate city, with many different religions, nationalities and generations living happily as a community. That being said Birmingham was depicted as the fourth city in the UK with the highest recorded crime rates. Crime statistics gathered by The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that up to June 2021, 102.9 crimes were committed per 1000 people living in this bustling West Midlands city. A large number of these crimes are theft. This could be small items such as mobile phones or bicycles, however the larger scale being home burglaries and car theft. It's natural to think that these "opportunists" went into your property blind, not knowing the haul they would be able to gain from…