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Constance Marten, the missing heiress

Constance Marten, the missing heiress

Monday 6th March 2023

The runaway heiress, Constance Marten was reported missing with her sex offender boyfriend, Mark Gordon on 5 January 2023. This was as a result of their burning car being discovered on the M61 near Bolton. Concerns were raised as investigators found placenta and blood on the back seat and Miss Marsden's passport, still legible. All other belongings appear to have perished in the fire. The discovery launched the search as it was evident that Constance had given birth.

The following day, the police reported that the couple continued on foot reaching Anchor Lane Bridge and proceeding to make their way to Liverpool, eventually travelling to Essex by taxi. At 12.49pm on 6 January 2023, Greater Manchester Police appealed to the public to try to find Marten and Gordon, 18 hours after they vanished.

Heartfelt Appeal

Michaela Kerr, GMP's head of public protection addressed Marten directly during an appeal that provided pictures of the couple.

She stated "As a mum, I would like to make a direct appeal to Constance. Constance, I know this is an exceptionally hard time for you and you are likely feeling scared but I promise that our number one priority is the same as yours - to keep your beautiful new-born safe.

"As you know, it's really important that both you and your baby are assessed by medical professionals as soon as possible so please make contact with emergency services or make your way to your nearest hospital, wherever that may be."

On 7 January 2023, CCTV pinpointed them 200 miles from their abandoned vehicle at Harwich Point. Essex police collaborating with GMP confirmed that "Since 9.30am we've been carrying out extensive enquiries in Essex to locate Constance, Mark and their new-born child.
"GMP is lead force and we will do all we can to help."

British Transport Police

On 9 January 2023, British Transport Police became involved in the investigation and along with Essex Police combed every hotel in Harwich and the surrounding area. The relayed that they did not want to disrupt the families life but they were concerned for the welfare of the new-born child.

The Metropolitan Police

The Metropolitan Police take over the case on 12 January 2023, once a sighting confirmed the parents had travelled to East London.

18 January 2023, a public appeal is released to try and locate the family. This reported to the public that Gordon was a convicted sex offender who had completed 20 years in a US prison for rape and battery. It also confirmed the couple were able to support themselves financially whilst they appear to be on the run from the police. The following day. Napier Marten (Constance's Father) made a public appeal in the Independent newspaper for his daughter to make herself known to the police saying: "I beseech you to find a way to turn yourself and your wee one in to the police as soon as possible so you and he or she can be protected."

The Met made a further appeal to he public, repeating their concern for the new-borns welfare relaying their concerns that they may be sleeping on the streets in freezing temperatures on 25 January 2023.


Just under a week later on 31 January 2023, the police publicize that a £10,000 reward will be provided to any person who can help them to locate the family.

7 February 2023, Constance's mother Virginie de Selliers tells her daughter "you are not alone" within an open letter.

On 21 February 2023, midwife Shereen Nimmo urges via the police to get the child medical attention within the latest of the police appeals.

At 9.30pm on 27 February 2023, Marten and Gordon are arrested by the police following a 999 telephone call from a member of the public.

Whilst in custody the couple failed to inform the police of the new-borns whereabouts despite constant questioning resulting in a vast and painstaking search for the youngster. With every day that passed before the terrible discovery, hope dwindled the child would be found safe and well.

A Devastating Discovery

On 1 March 2023, Detective Superintendent Lewis Basford revealed that after searching a wooded area the remains of a baby have been found. The following day, police confirmed it appears the child remains had been in the location for some time. They were unable to confirm the child's gender and the couple were charged with gross negligence manslaughter, perverting the course of justice and concealing the birth of a child.

2 March 2023, A post mortem examination is requested and Marten and Gordon are continually questioned by the police to ascertain what happened during this tragic event.

Could a lie detector test help?

It is clear to us that during the course of this tragedy a lie detector test would have helped to bring these people to justice or reveal if they did in fact murder the new-born child. Although the police have asked the public not to speculate, why did they reveal the gender or age of the child is unknown?

The couple appeared at Crawley Magistrates court on 3 March 2023 and only confirmed their names and dates of birth, with both confirming they did not have an address and were homeless. The court heard how the police were unable to identify the sex of the child and that the baby had been deceased for some weeks prior to the couples arrest. The couple had been missing for 53 days, therefore the child was born during the first week of January. The packed courtroom heard the remains were located in an allotment shed in a plastic bag, under a pile of nappies.

The couple have been remanded in custody until 31 March 2023, where they will appear at The Old Bailey for trial.

If any of the authorities involved in this case wish to contact us to discuss how a lie detector test could help, please contact us on 0800 774 7268, or send us a message online.