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A New Year's resolution easy to keep!

A New Year's resolution easy to keep!

Sunday 17th December 2023

New Year's Resolutions

Christmas is nearly behind us, and all of the dieting we will have done in the past year to get that perfect bikini body has been totally undone. We will have eaten more food than is normally possible in a week, never mind a few days, and now we solemnly vow for the New Year that we WILL get it off again. We promise that we will eat healthier and change our dieting habits for good this time around in 2023. In fact, let's not just stop there; we will exercise more and get fit.

Cost of living

We know the year has been tough on our loved ones, and where we have been able, we will have splurged a little and bought our nearest and dearest what they wanted, other than what we could afford. We know we shouldn't have, but this is just a one-off, and again, we promise ourselves that 2023 will be different and we will sort out our credit cards, cut back on our spending, and actually save some money this year. Well, let's go the whole hog and look for a better paid job, maybe one that will allow us to travel more.


At the time, these promises to ourselves were well thought out, and we tried to keep them. However, a study revealed in 2019/2020 that only 25% of Britons managed to succeed. In 2021, the success rate dropped to just 12%. As much as we try with the best of intentions to make changes to our lives for the better, it is extremely hard to change the habits of a lifetime. So what changes could we make to our relationships in life, or how can we bring about real change to make our own lives better?

A New Year, a New You

Most of the population always commits to spending more time with family and friends, repairing damaged relationships, and bettering the ones that we value the most. There is a quicker way to do this than to spend all year discussing the issues and/or working tirelessly to get to the root of the problem. We hope that honesty will prevail and we will be able to prove that we did not do the things we are accused of, or that the people we believe have wronged us in some way will admit their deceptive behavior and we will be able to move on; however, what if this is not the case? Do we continue to bang our heads against the wall and go on to make the same mistakes this year?

A lie detector test, or polygraph can help reveal if you or someone you care about is telling the truth about an issue. Maybe you have been accused of being unfaithful, stealing something from someone, or even from your employer. A lie detector test is a valuable stepping stone to repairing relationships at home, at work, and generally in life. This method of getting to the bottom of your issues does not require willpower and months of working at it; the solution, if the outcome is not what you had wished for, could take time to resolve, but after the test you will have your answers. Following this, you will have the tools you need to make real change moving forward.

Help is at hand

In order to help you take that first step on the road to redemption, we are offering a 10% discount on any tests booked with us up to Thursday 4th January 2024. All you need to do is contact our dedicated Customer Support team on 0800 774 7268, or visit us online and quote NEW10 for it to be applied.

If you make one resolution this year, make it not to go through another year of doubt and uncertainty. Call us today and get those all important relationships on the road to recovery.