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Could a lie detector test for couples help the Meghan and Harry debate?

Could a lie detector test for couples help the Meghan and Harry debate?

Thursday 15th December 2022

It's been a long standing conspiracy within the royal family about who our royals should date, and even marry. First we had Princess Diana, previously known as Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Diana was revered as a "commoner" amongst the aristocracy. Charles was dating Diana's sister, Sarah when after just 13 meetings he wed Diana in the lavish wedding the world stopped to experience. The world loved Diana and after her untimely death the Royals lost the "Peoples Princess" and the nation went into mourning. Princess Diana was loved by all and not one of us can say we do not remember where we were when the news was broken. The nation lost a true diamond and to this day we all still cherish and love what this amazing woman brought to us and the world. It is true to say that the royals did not recover from this until William met Kate Middleton, another woman who did not fit into tradition but again now known as the "Peoples Princess".

In the Royal tradition Kate was again a "commoner" but as Williams mother had done, she shone and continues to shine as a lesson to us all that true love does conquer all. She once again brought a shining light to a royal family that had been tarnished from years without Diana. There are many similarities between Diana and Kate and both portray a love and commitment to the British public.

Respect and Honour

Kate continues to "honour" Diana with her dress sense, her charitable giving and her down to earth lifestyle. Kate even shops at Sainsburys like the rest of us. She truly is an incredible addition to our heritage and we, as are all of the nation grateful William found someone so much like the princess we once knew to follow in Diana's footsteps. Both Royals emit and emitted an excellence and grandeur that only a true Royalist can appreciate. It isn't necessary to comment further on what these two amazing women have brought to our lives and how they have impacted the reputation of the Royals.

This brings us to Meghan Markle, maybe Harry wanted to show the world that anyone could become a princess, however we already knew that. Kate is a testament to this fact. She was not Royal by birthright, she did not know how to behave. Kate did not know what was expected of her and how she needed to be perceived to the British public. Kate adapted but continued to shine as the beautiful, courageous and respectful person she is.

An acclaimed actress from the US series "Suits", Markle already had a reputation for being difficult and a "diva". prior to her marriage to Prince Harry. Many of her co-stars said they were frustrated with the behaviour if things were not "perfect" or she was not receiving enough attention.

It was with a heavy (but dubious) heart that we read of all of the supposed "miss-treatment" that Meghan Markle endured at the palace. It appeared that just because she was not British and not of Royal heritage that Markle was being racialised, judged and intimidated by the staff at various royal residences. So lets look at what Markle used to support her racist claims. The first American to marry into the royal family since Wallis Simpson who married Edward VIII after he abdicated the throne in 1936. Meghan was also the first known mixed race woman to marry into the royal family in history, something she appears to have preyed on since her nuptials.

Royal titles

After being provided with the titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Meghan and Harry announced the expectation of their first child in October 2018. In May 2019 "Archie" was born and as the first mixed race child born into the royal family, Markle quickly claimed that staff commented on how "dark" his skin was. This is the first incident that a lie detector test could have shown the public if this was true or if she was again "attention seeking". Either result could have saved our monarchy a lot of bad press, allowing the family to deal with the internal matters without the need for their "dirty laundry" to be publicly aired, or to oust Meghan for the person she appears to be.

This was further confirmed by her outrage that Archie did not have a "Prince" title. If she had bothered to look into the monarchy she was marrying into she would have known that King George established in 1917 in the royal convention, Archie was not entitled to this title at birth because he is the great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II. This means that only the grandson or son of the queen would receive this title, proven by the fact that her grandsons Harry and William are both princes. This point is further proven now Charles is King which means that Archie is now a prince and his sister Lilibet a princess.

There are so many questions surrounding Meghan and Harry's relationship, her accusations and their comments on her miss-treatment by the monarchy and the staff that remain unanswered. Both Meghan and Harry have made millions out of publicity and documentaries accusing the press, public and the Monarchy of this and other miss-treatment, and as much as some of the world appears to sympathise with the "Markle debacle" enough is enough.

Lie Detector Test for couples

A lie detector test for couples should be administered on these attention seeking individuals to see if any of the events Markle has released to the press actually happened. Our Royal family is in question and as a non racist, equal opportunities and regal nation we need to know if there is any truth in the accusations. It is doubtful that this is the case but our reputation is tarnished and the truth needs to be heard. Do we allow our Prince, Harry to support his wife without knowing the full facts?, or is Harry also playing a part in this potential deceit.

Could a couples lie detector test help you?

Finding the trust in any relationship can be hard and when this damages those around you, such as family or friends this can not only end your relationship but all relationships involved. A lie detector test for couples can help with this, both parties can answer the same or different questions which shows their commitment to the relationship and their courage and determination to save it. Contact our dedicated Customer Support team today om 0800 774 7268 and see how we can help you restore the faith in your relationship, or take the leap and make the booking online.