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*Could Lie Detector Tests help with Immigration?*

Could Lie Detector Tests help with Immigration?

Friday 11th November 2022

The UK's immigration crisis is becoming more and more worrisome, up to November 1, 2022, home secretary Suella Braverman stated that there has been an "invasion" of approximately 40,000 illegal migrants arriving on UK shores so far this year. This is more than double the figure for last year. When looking at these figures, we do have to take into consideration the horrors that developed in the Ukraine and the desperate families who needed and still need our help. These people were evacuated and did not attempt to evade authorities, which is what we are looking at today. Therefore, we need to look at figures that do not include these genuine asylum seekers, for instance, in 2020.

What do the reports say?

The reports have shown that 8,417 people crossed the channel in 2020, fighting treacherous waters, using kayaks and dinghies; some even used inflatable paddling pools. While some were successful, others perished in the freezing conditions. In August, two weeks of the month saw over 1,200 putting their lives at risk crossing the unstable waters to get to the UK. September 2, 2020, saw a total of 419 asylum seekers in small boats, this is still a record for a single day. The total for that September was 1,951 crossings recorded, which is more than the total for all of 2019.

It's clear that the British public wants to see something done about this situation, and when you consider that in 2020, the government admitted to losing 37,000 migrants after initial interviews, it clearly indicates that measures need to be put into force.

Unprovoked attack

This constant migration to the UK from other countries culminated in the atrocious bombing of a new Dover detention center on October 30, 2022, this incident shows the frustration and unrest that the influx of migrants is causing to the British public. We are an empathetic, diplomatic, and respectable nation that does not condone this deplorable individuals' actions. The actions of this singular person are disgraceful and unlawful, barbaric and incomprehensible. It does still pose the question of how we can address the situation before members of the public try to take the law into their own hands. There are two instances where lie detection techniques could have helped resolve these issues.

The man responsible for this unprovoked attack was Andrew Leak, 66, from High Wycombe. This man had a history of posting hateful crime related content on social media.

Last October 2021, Leak, 66, indicated online that he had posted a parcel "to the British government," alerting authorities that "I will end illegal immigration into this country within one year from the French boat side."

Hate Speech

Leak had previously been quizzed by police over the vile and hate-filled posts on social media, but after threatening to take his own life, the investigation was stopped.

The attack brought on by Leak involved him throwing three home-made petrol bombs attached to fireworks at the center; later, he was found deceased nearby. Two of the home-made devices exploded and resulted in minor injuries to two people on site. The attack took place after a reported 1,000 people entered the UK via the English Channel on Saturday alone.

Due to the content of his various social media platforms, a lie detector test could have provided some insight into his intentions and whether he intended to cause harm to those he ridiculed, bullied, and scrutinized online. This may have prevented this horrific act from being committed and saved his own life as a result.

Following the bombing of a new Border Force immigration detention center, Braverman has been branded outrageous for her "invasion" comments on the matter and has been bombarded with new requests to quit as home secretary.

The event has caused an outcry for members of parliament to cease the use of anti-immigrant rhetoric. Care4Calais founder Clare Moseley fears this may have played a significant part in the attack.

Addressing the issue, she stated, "We are seeing an escalation in hate on social media and threats against our volunteers." The rhetoric from this government's ministers is shocking and divisive. They call refugees in Calais "illegal immigrants" despite extensive evidence that they are genuine refugees in desperate need of help.

The conservative MP for Dover, Natalie Elphicke, told LBC radio, "I understand that the Dover immigration center that is at the Port of Dover was fire-bombed with a number of devices before an individual then committed suicide."

She assured the public that the inhabitants of the center were being "looked after" following the "dreadful" attack. The center itself is well known for receiving small vessels containing migrants.

"It's an absolutely dreadful situation that we have now at Dover," she added. "I understand that all the people who are at the center are being looked after, and precautions are being taken for their safety."

We believe that lie detector tests taken on entry to our detention centers would allow for swift processing and identify the true reason a person has entered the UK. The migrants identified as being here under a false pretense could be deported and not "bailed," allowing them to abscond.

At present, the polygraph is being used by UK police forces in the release of sex offenders, it is also used to monitor them when they are released. Although at present the results are not able to be used as evidence in court, their use is a strong indication that they may be in the future. Authorities feel a polygraph examination can reveal a person's true intentions, and now some terrorists are being made to sit for this type of evaluation.

Lie detector tests used in these situations protect the public, so why wouldn't we use them in immigration and hate crime scenarios? Putting these measures in place could enable us to help those in genuine need of our protection—people who are in danger in their own countries because of their sexuality or gender, or because of their beliefs or religion. At present, it is feared that there is no fail-safe way to show if someone really needs to migrate, resulting in people being deported who are genuinely at risk.

At Lie Detector Services LTD, we know that the public needs protection, and we also know that there are many people in desperate need of our nation's help all over the world. If any government or other official body would like to get in touch with us, we would welcome the opportunity to be able to help.

We offer services for a wide range of issues to clients across the UK. You may think the reason you need our help is unnecessary or trivial, but to us, every person's reason for choosing a lie detector test is equally important as the next. Contact our dedicated customer support team on 0800 774 7268 or visit us online. Take the first steps to a more honest and happier future.